One of the first steps in troubleshooting scanning issues is determining the version of the installed scanner driver. Follow the steps below to determine the installed version of your scanner driver, Then go to the manufacturer's website to check for the most recent driver. Update your scanner driver as necessary.
My computer can't find my printer to scan, but can print. I had this problem with my last printer and thought it was the printer but this is the same issue with a new printer/scanner. Check out our trending technology publication at HP Tech Takes, where you can find a plethora of useful information about which HP products are best for home or office, what is new in the world of technology, how HP® is making a difference, and plenty of additional content to keep you up-to-date. The computer store at My computer can't find my printer to scan, but can print. I had this problem with my last printer and thought it was the printer but this is the same issue with a new printer/scanner. Uninstall HP Printer Assistant from your Windows system and install HP Smart. In Windows, search for and open Control Panel, click Uninstall a program, and then uninstall HP Printer Assistant. Download and install HP Smart from For more information, go to HP Printers – Install and Use the HP Smart App (Windows 10). Welcome to the HP® Official website to setup your printer. Get started with your new printer by downloading the software. You will be able to connect the printer to a network and print across devices.
Browse to the driver version in the Device Manager.
- Click Start and choose Control Panel from the pop-up menu.
If your computer is set to Categories in the Control Panel, choose the Device Manager here:
Its always sunny the nightman. If your computer is set to either Large Icons or Small Icons, choose the Device Manager here:
Glwiz app. In the Device Manager dialog box, click the black arrow to the left of Imaging Devices to display your scanner make and model.
- In the Properties dialog box, click the Driver tab to reveal the version of the installed scanner driver.
Browse to the driver version in the Device Manager. Click Start and choose Control Panel from the pop-up menu.
If your computer is set to Category view, follow these steps:
- On the next screen, choose See Basic Information About Your Computer.
- The System Properties dialog box appears. Click the Hardware Tab and then click Device Manager.
- In the Device Manager dialog box, highlight the installed scanner model under Imaging Devices.
- After highlighting the installed scanner, choose Action and then Properties. In the Properties dialog box, you see the driver version of the scanner.
If your computer is set to Classic View, follow these steps. Reading software free download.
- Click Start, and choose the Control Panel from the pop-up menu.
- In the System Properties dialog box, click the Hardware tab and then click Device Manager.
- In the Device Manager dialog box, highlight the installed scanner model under Imaging Devices.
- Choose Action, and then Properties. In the Properties dialog box, you see the driver version of the scanner.
- To find the scanner driver version in Mac OS X, go to Applications and find the installed scanner software.
- Command-click the scanner and choose Get Info from the pop-up menu. The driver version is under the General section of the Info dialog box.
- In the System Properties dialog box, click the Hardware tab and then click Device Manager.
- In the Device Manager dialog box, highlight the installed scanner model under Imaging Devices.
- Choose Action, and then Properties. In the Properties dialog box, you see the driver version of the scanner.
- To find the scanner driver version in Mac OS X, go to Applications and find the installed scanner software.
- Command-click the scanner and choose Get Info from the pop-up menu. The driver version is under the General section of the Info dialog box.
In this example I fixed the problem when trying to scan to email and you expect your email program to open with the attached PDF ready to send. Unfortunately your HP scanner or multifunction printer pops up, almost immediately, yelling 'The HP scan application cannot find an email application installed on the computer. Please ensure your email application is installed and properly configured.'
The problem is that HP hard coded their software to look for a registry key for OUTLOOK.EXE. You can verify this by running Process Monitor from Sysinternals. You'll see this line:
So how do you fix it? First make sure you don't have the following registry key:
WARNING! editing the registry can cause your computer to crash or not work. Proceed at your own risk.
This might be a good time to create a restore point. Make no mistake, this is a hack to fix an HP coding error.
If the OUTLOOK.EXE key does not exist then you can create it. Open notepad and paste in the following information (do not include code start and code end):
Code Start
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
Code End
Now click file, save-as, change the save type from 'Text Document' to 'All Files'. Save the file as add-outlook-app.reg (or something similar). When you double click this new .reg file it will prompt you to import into the registry. Once imported your HP scanner app will open Windows Live Mail.
If you want it to open a different email client then you can do the following.
Usb computer connection. Find the program you want to open for email under the following registry location
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionApp Paths
Scanner Can't Find Pc
In the above example I exported HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionApp Pathswlmail.exe
Hp Enable Scan To Computer
Right click and export the registry key. Now right click the exported key and choose edit. Change the line that reads:
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionApp Pathswlmail.exe] so it reads:
Save the .reg file and then double click it to import. Filemaker pro 16 promo code. Now your email scans should call the correct program. This is what the new registry key should look like if you are using Windows Live Mail.